Thursday, May 26, 2011

Things I Never Thought I would Say or Do...Thursday

First, I am going to start with what is new with us....the first new thing is that Zach and I have made it three years of marriage. We are very happy about that and have a great little girl to show for it. It hasn't been easy, but I think we can get through anything with all our experiences. Second, we have a new nephew that was born on Friday, May 20th, his name is Luke Thomas and he is pretty cute. The three of us went to see him Friday night, but Kaylie slept through the visit. She probably wouldn't have known what another baby was anyways. I'm sure they will be best buds soon enough.

On to my things I thought I would Never say or Do...this week I can only come up with two:

1. With Memorial Day coming up I thought about this one. I NEVER thought I would say that I love camping.  When growing up the most camping we did was a week long trip to a modern cabin ever few years. Don't get me wrong I love going to a cabin, but it just isn't the same as sleeping on an air mattress in a tent. I would have to say that I am sad to not be going camping this weekend. The last few years we have had an annual camping trip and unfortunately Kaylie is too young this year. I think I love the relaxing and just not caring part about camping and I love to be outside. We are thinking about going to a cabin this summer because then we get some camping in, but Kaylie has somewhere to be inside. Then next summer we hope to resume our annual trip.

2. I NEVER thought I would be that mom that got excited about the smallest things. For example, last night I put Kaylie in bed and she was laying parallel with the crib and then about 15 minutes later I went in to see if she was sleeping and she was in a diagonal position. After seeing this I woke Zach up from his nap just to show him that she is starting to move. Oh man, I am going to be one of those

Well I think that is all I can come up with this week.

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