Movement: Kaylie is always on the move. Tonight, she asked me if she could run in my house. It was one of the funniest things she has ever said. She loves to dance and do gymnastics, she loves to jump and unfortunately she loves to jump on our furniture. I am very surprised that she hasn't hurt herself.
Eating: Well she isn't the greatest eater in the world. She will not eat anything that is green, one day she refused pasta because it was green. Kaylie hates vegetables and refuses to even try them. Our hope is that one day that when Camden eats the vegetables that she will. It hasn't worked yet!! Her favorite foods are Mac and Cheese and french fries.
Sleep: She is pretty great at sleeping, she has been sleeping in her big bed for awhile now and seems to really love it. It can get very hard to get her to nap in her bed though, she would rather play in her bed. We some times have a problem getting her to sleep at night because she wants to play, but we are working on that.
Voice: Kaylie has always been a chatter, she seems to have quite the vocabulary. She always is saying new things and the things that she comes up with are funny. It really cracks us up when she says things that we have said, like the other day she told me that she was frustrated! I have no idea what she was frustrated about.
Favorites: Some of Kaylie's favorite things right now, her brother Camden, her Barbies, her leap pad, legos.
Clothes: 4T Shirts & 3T Pants
Nicknames: Baby Girl, she isn't much into nicknames right now. She will always correct us and tell us she is Kaylie
Yearly Interview:
What is your name? Kaylie Eberman
How old are you? 3
What is mommy’s name? Mommy Boe
What does mommy do during the day? Color
and make silly
What is daddy’s name? Daddy Zach
What does daddy do during the day? Stay at Home and Make silly sounds
What is your favorite color? Purple
What is your favorite toy? Cow
What is your favorite tv show? Mickey
Who Is your best friend? Shannon & Madi
What is your favorite drink? Juice
What is your favorite food? Sandwich (Pretty
Sure we do not eat sandwiches) & a Nana
What is your favorite holiday? A
Bunny - Easter?
When is your birthday? How about Tuesday
What do you want to be when you grow up? A Cow or a princess